So what's the big deal with the lack of medals for the US in the Winter Olympics? The United States has a serious superiority complex where we have to win in everything, including medal counts. Well I hate to break it to you US, but we suck at the Winter Olympics and we pretty much always have. Back in 1994, just 12 years ago, the US finished 5th in the medal count with a paltry 13 medals. In 1998, we finished 5th again with again 13 medals. Only in 2002 when all of the American sports (snowboarding) got put into the Olympics did the US actually start doing well.
So as you can see, the US (Bode Miller, Michelle Kwan) were pretty much a bust this year, didn't win enough medals, blah, blah blah..., don't let people tell you that. It's a lie.